

Welcome to APKEPI, a gateway for all your food safety information in Indonesia.  Our members are Food Safety Experts from various food related - organization.   APKEPI aims to develop professional competence in the field of food safety to increase the competitive value of manpower and to enhance food safety implementation in Indonesia.

APKEPI was formed and declared on May 8, 2015 with support from the Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia, Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia, Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia, and Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia (GAPMMI).

Our program is focusing on food safety matters with various activities such as:

  • Competence Standardization
  • Competence Certification Acceleration
  • Capacity Building
  • Professional Registration
  • Training Body Verification
  • Government Support on Regulatory Process, Standardization, & Conformity Assessment
  • Public Awareness
  • Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Capacity Building.
  • Research & Development

With joining us, you can get access to Excellent Food Safety Forum and Networking activities.   To join as APKEPI’s member you can register here



The Chairman of APKEPI

Dr.  Roy Sparringa